by Jacqueline Valencia
5"x8", 32 pages

by Kasia Van Schaik
5"x8", 32 pages

by Jessica Bebenek
5"x8", 36 pages, risograph printed
In Fourth Walk, Jessica Bebenek guides us through a year of heartbreak and grief. These beautiful, brutal poems unflinchingly trace the demise of a romantic relationship and the death of a grandfather. “I arrived in this poem,” she writes, “slant. Fell out. Tried again / to give this heartbreak breath / a name.” With grit, honesty and humour, she charts her attempts to explain this year to herself, to admit “[t]his was not a slow slip. There was pain.”

by Katie Fewster-Yan
5"x8", 24 pages

by Jess Taylor
5"x8", 28 pages, risograph & screen printed
In spare, fearless prose, Jess Taylor’s Just Pervs plunges us into the pervy world of Jill, Jenade, Dani, and Penny. Told from multiple perspectives, this short yet expansive story explores how these women use sex to form their identities, to create intimacy in romantic relationships and friendships, to celebrate existence, and to numb themselves from the violence that haunts their lives.

by Jessie Jones
5"x8", 32 pages, risograph & screen printed
In Nix, Jessie Jones questions the limits of self-transformation. “Self Improvement,” she explains, “can go on forever.” Attempting to reinvent themselves, the speakers in these taut, lively poems shop online for poplin skirts, perform elaborate skincare rituals, indulge in postmodern theory and philosophy, wander the city, drink, bleach their teeth, and go to bed early. And yet their past selves are always flickering at the edges, snickering “you were once / and will be again, were once, will again.”

by Stevie Howell
5"x8", 38 pages, risograph printed
Veering between teenage slang and cognitive development terminology, Stevie Howell’s Summer explores the hazy summers of youth, where it is possible to slip free from the strict “time-bound” world of high school and family and to try on, and perhaps reject, new identities. Through bike rides, séances, beach fires and “scrubbing a urinal at Arby’s,” the speaker gains insight and self-awareness, slowly, fitfully transitioning from childhood to adulthood. “Time,” Stevie reflects, “is / us becoming knowledge of our senses.” "Dew," the long poem that concludes the book, mines this visceral experience of loss and transformation. Opening with “Once upon a time we were a thought experiment,” the poem is a child’s picture book with blank black spaces where the pictures should be. This darkness evokes the painful, murky process of growing up. “To grow,” Stevie says, “you sacrifice / your body over & over to boys / who say they know better what it’s meant for.”

by Vincent Pagé
5"x8", 28 pages, risograph & screen printed
In tender, minimal poems, Vincent Pagé’s IN A BURNING BUILDING THE AIR INSIDE IS HEATED BY FIRE AND SO BECOMES LIGHTER investigates the lasting effects of a house fire on an intimate relationship. The poem titles, all taken from a chemistry and physics manual for firefighters, accrue new meanings as it becomes clear that the fire is both literal and symbolic. In “EXPAND, WHILE THE OUTER FACE REMAINS COOL,” Vincent, staring at a pair of Blundstones melted to the floor, remarks, “The obvious thing to remember / is how they wouldn’t lift and leave.” Throughout these poems, the couple struggles to recover and reconnect, finding some comfort in bittersweet reverie. “Think of the yard we’ll have,” he implores, “once we move us.”

by Michelle Brown
5"x8", 32 pages, risograph & screen printed
Playful and lighthearted on the surface, the poems in Michelle Brown’s debut chapbook Foreign Experts Building pulse with anxious energy. The speakers, alienated and adrift in a globalized world, slip between time periods, locations and languages, ever fearful of losing their identity entirely. In assured, lively language Michelle Brown creates her own universe, a precarious world of jaded turtles and steep gorges, of lethargic gods and enigmatic babies, death always “lapping at everything.”

by Brooke Lockyer
5"x8", 22 pages, illustrated, risograph & screen printed
Composed of two short stories, Brooke Lockyer’s debut fiction chapbook Moon Bones / Silver Tooth follows two young characters who are forced to confront grief and loss for the first time. In Moon Bones, a girl mourns the death of a beloved cat, a task that is complicated by the family dog’s insistence on continually digging up the corpse. In Silver Tooth, a boy’s first stab at independence has devastating consequences for his sister. Written in a direct, compassionate voice, these stories probe the darkness that haunts childhood.

by E Martin Nolan
5"x8", 32 pages, illustrated, risograph printed
In spare, haunting poems, E Martin Nolan’s Poems from Still chronicles the fates of two great American cities—New Orleans and Detroit—as they struggle to confront life after Hurricane Katrina and a devastating post-industrial fall. These poems explore place, history, ecology, economics, industry, infrastructure, and faith. They capture how individual experiences come to terms with these grand forces in a voice that is personal, but not confessional, always describing from an analytic, historical distance. The speakers in these poems veer between a sense of powerlessness and a desire for control over their surroundings, watching uneasily as “the tide comes in” and “a few cars pass—loner herd animals.”

by Poetry Anthology
6.5"x8", 32 pages, illustrated, risograph printed
300 Hours A Minute, an anthology of poems about YouTube videos, features poems by Michelle Brown, Kathryn Mockler, Vincent Colistro, Andy Verboom,Daniel Scott Tysdal, Laura Clarke, Jess Taylor, Suzannah Showler, Matthew R. Loney, and Spencer Gordon. Peculiar poetic muses, YouTube videos are uploaded at a staggering pace—300 hours of content every minute, every day—and this tsunami of cute cats, earnest cover songs, and disturbing violence rushes toward us, seemingly obliterating the need for contemplation. The poets in this chapbook, undaunted, have stopped and reflected on these videos. From Michelle Brown’s cheeky scrutiny of pre-roll commercials to Spencer Gordon’s soulful response to a Taylor Swift music video, these poems respond to this ephemeral art form with critical insight and wit.